
Cutting Through the Noise

September 9, 2021

By Scott Ronalds

Co-investment update 2021

One of our key business tenets is co-investment, or investing alongside our clients. Here's what it means in real money.

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August 26, 2021

By Scott Ronalds

Meet Alex

We’re pleased to introduce the newest member of our team, Alexandre Crupi.

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July 29, 2021

By Scott Ronalds

That summer BBQ, good for the soul. And your portfolio

If you're hosting a BBQ this summer, your shopping bags will likely be full of Steadyhand companies. We take you on a trip to the store.

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July 12, 2021

By Scott Ronalds

Mid-year review video

A recap of the first half of the year and a few words on a topic that is coming up frequently in our conversations with clients — inflation.

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July 9, 2021

By Scott Ronalds

Bradley's Brief — Q2 2021

Tom Bradley's quarterly letter to clients.

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June 15, 2021

By Scott Ronalds

The perfect supply chain storm

Key supply chains have ruptured while demand for consumer goods has soared during the pandemic. Along with a massive logistics headache for many businesses, it's also led to an uptick in inflation. Yet, this isn't such a bad thing. We explain.

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June 10, 2021

By Scott Ronalds

Loonie on a tear

The loonie is hot. Here's what it means for your portfolio.

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May 28, 2021

By Scott Ronalds

Summer Reading

Summer is just around the corner. We've got your literature needs covered.

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May 18, 2021

By Scott Ronalds

Bubble in the north?

The Florida land boom of the 1920's is a fascinating case study of an asset bubble. Can parallels be drawn to today's real estate market in Vancouver and Toronto?

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May 13, 2021

By Scott Ronalds

Bear sighting in the new economy

Many of last year's hottest 'disruptor' stocks are in bear territory. But fear not, a balanced, well-diversified portfolio is doing just fine.

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April 20, 2021

By Scott Ronalds

Speculators are having a day

Many high risk assets have seen stratospheric returns lately. But if you’re thinking of speculating, be wary of flying too close to the sun.

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April 9, 2021

By Scott Ronalds

Bradley's Brief — Q1 2021

Tom Bradley's quarterly letter to clients.

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April 5, 2021

By Scott Ronalds

One Billion

Our assets under management pushed through the billion-dollar mark with the close of the first quarter. Thanks to our 3,700 clients who have helped us get here!

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March 22, 2021

By Scott Ronalds

Steadyhand tax documents: All you need to know

To assist with your tax filing, we provide a review of the tax documents you've received from us this year along with a brief explanation of their purpose.

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March 11, 2021

By Scott Ronalds

Corona corporate casualties

On the 1-year anniversary of the pandemic, we know all too well the impact the virus has had on both a human and corporate scale. Nonetheless, seeing the list of failed businesses is still astounding.

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February 23, 2021

By Scott Ronalds

State of the Union

Our annual update on all things Steadyhand.

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February 8, 2021

By Scott Ronalds

Look at you, empire builder

Investors don’t typically think of themselves as business owners. But when you strip it down to basics, this is what investing is all about.

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January 15, 2021

By Scott Ronalds

The benefits of diversification - 2020

A colourful look at the benefits of diversification.

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January 11, 2021

By Scott Ronalds

Bradley's Brief — Q4 2020

Tom Bradley's quarterly letter to clients.

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December 30, 2020

By Scott Ronalds

Is it over yet?

2020 will forever remain etched in our memory. From an investing standpoint, we haven’t seen anything like it since 2008. Yet, for all the vagaries of the year just passed, one thing turned out to be fairly normal: your returns.

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December 23, 2020

By Scott Ronalds

Bruce Sellery and Tom Bradley: Tips for preparing for a down market

Tom Bradley and Bruce Sellery discuss tips for dealing with the next market pullback.

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December 17, 2020

By Scott Ronalds

Evan Parubets, Investor Specialist

People are the core of every business. In this blog series, we want you to get to know some of our people a little better. After all, they’re our real competitive advantage. In this post, Evan Parubets gets the spotlight.

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December 14, 2020

By Scott Ronalds

Important numbers for 2021

With the turn of the calendar fast approaching, we thought it would be timely to update you on a few important numbers for 2021.

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November 26, 2020

By Scott Ronalds

Year-end distributions

All you need to know about distributions, and the estimated year-end figures for our funds.

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November 16, 2020

By Scott Ronalds

Investment opportunities in a post-vaccine world

With a COVID-19 vaccine on the horizon and signs that a change in market leadership could be in the offing, we discuss some of the investment opportunities we're excited about.

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