
Cutting Through the Noise

November 20, 2023

By Tom Bradley

Beware of bright shiny objects to avoid falling off your investment plan

Right now, the bright shiny object is the safe and reliable GIC. Yet, investors opting for the comfort and certainty of GICs are likely to expose themselves to a set of risks they hadn't considered.

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November 16, 2023

By Scott Ronalds

Steadyhand partners with Tree Canada to celebrate client referrals

We're grateful for the support our clients have shown our business by spreading the word about Steadyhand. In recognition, we’ve partnered with Tree Canada to plant 10 trees for each new investor that is referred to us by an existing client.

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November 14, 2023

By Scott Ronalds

November 23 Webinar: How to protect yourself, and your finances, from frauds and scams

Financial frauds and scams have become increasingly sophisticated, and the consequences of taking the bait can be severe. At our November 23 webinar, two experts on the topic will discuss valuable insights and tips on how to protect yourself.

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November 9, 2023

By Tom Bradley

Glorianne Stromberg: On the client side of the table

Canadian investors recently lost a great advocate. Glorianne Stromberg passed away in Toronto on October 15th. She will be missed but her legacy lives on.

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November 6, 2023

By Tom Bradley

Cutting through the noise: For investors, it’s crucial to distinguish between the urgent and the important

In his new Globe and Mail column, Steadyhand Chair Tom Bradley endeavours to cut through the noise and sift through the urgent (news, headlines and stats) in search of the important.

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November 3, 2023

By Scott Ronalds

Tom's column returns to the Globe and Mail

After writing a bi-weekly investment column in the National Post for the past six years, Tom Bradley is returning to the Globe and Mail.

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October 30, 2023

By Scott Ronalds

Cash isn't king, but it's princely at least

You can now get a yield of 5% or more on your cash by investing in a GIC or money market fund. But here's why the return on cash is still no substitute for assets better geared to provide your portfolio with long-term growth — namely stocks, and yes, bonds.

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October 23, 2023

By Scott Ronalds

What you can expect from the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), and why it won't run dry anytime soon

A look under the hood of the CPP, what you can expect to collect in retirement, and why the Plan is on sold footing for the foreseeable future.

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October 17, 2023

By Scott Ronalds

Investing alongside you since 2007. Here's just how much

One of our key business tenets is co-investment, or investing alongside our clients. Here's what it means in real money.

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October 12, 2023

By Tom Bradley

Remembering Tony Hamblin

Tony Hamblin was a little-known giant in our industry. He was a mentor to several of Canada's great investors and had a lasting impact on many.

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October 10, 2023

By Tom Bradley

Bradley's Brief — Q3 2023

Tom Bradley's quarterly letter to clients.

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October 5, 2023

By Scott Ronalds

The corporate video is dead. Long live the corporate video

There are conflicting views around corporate videos and whether they still serve a purpose. At their core, though, they can help tell a story, explain a product/service, and bring you inside the tent. There’s value in that, in our opinion. So, we're excited to introduce 'The Steadyhand Story'.

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October 2, 2023

By Scott Ronalds

First Home Savings Accounts (FHSA) now available at Steadyhand

We’re pleased to announce that we now offer First Home Savings Accounts (FHSA)! Here's how they work and what's required to open one.

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September 21, 2023

By Neil Jensen

Evan Parubets Promoted to Head of Advisory Services Team

We’re pleased to announce that Evan Parubets has been promoted to the role of Head of Advisory Services Team.

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September 19, 2023

By Scott Ronalds

Note from an octogenarian: What can you do for me?

A self-directed investor in his mid 80's doesn't want to leave his wife in a bind if something happens to him. So he's seeking a firm he can trust to take over his portfolio. Here's how, and why, we'd love to help.

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September 14, 2023

By Scott Ronalds

Q: How much exposure do I have to China?

China is in the hot seat and confidence in its stock market is eroding. It has some clients asking what investments we own in the country. We break down our exposure and approach to investing in the region.

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September 11, 2023

By Scott Ronalds

The Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)

The Canadian Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) can provide over $12,000 per year of tax-free retirement income. We walk through how the government program works.

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September 7, 2023

By Scott Ronalds

Nvidia: Why we don't own the stock

Nvidia is a great business and has quickly grown to become the fifth most valuable company in the world. But there are many risks to consider with the stock. We elaborate on why we don't own it.

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September 5, 2023

By Tom Bradley

Nvidia: A fund manager's dilemma

The world's hottest stock, Nvidia, poses a dilemma for fund managers — both those who own it and those who don't. We explain.

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August 24, 2023

By Scott Ronalds

Why your Steadyhand portfolio is focused on sleep-at-night companies

With parts of the market once again seeing dramatic moves, steady companies are increasingly the focus of our funds. Here are a few examples.

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August 21, 2023

By Tom Bradley

7 reasons why investing is different from everything else in your life

A look at what makes investing different from every other aspect of your life, and how you can embrace its peculiarities to your advantage.

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August 8, 2023

By Tom Bradley

Case of the missing recession and other misunderstood investing trends

Observations about trends being overlooked, misunderstood, or in transition.

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July 31, 2023

By Scott Ronalds

Financial tips for empty nesters

Are you a soon-to-be empty nester? Investor Specialist Jeff Stashuk shares some of the most talked about emotions and offers some financial tips to consider during this major life event.

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July 24, 2023

By Tom Bradley

Falling for the forecasting fallacy will cost investors in the long run

Speculating about something can be entertaining. Debating how the Jays will do, or the number of goals Connor McDavid will score, is fun and totally harmless. Everyone knows there’s no way of determining what will happen. Any outcome is possible. The investment industry’s preoccupation with predicting the stock market is another matter. The people making the forecasts actually believe what they’re saying. Their seemingly well-reasoned projections also have entertainment value but, unfortunately, lead to poor investment decisions.

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July 20, 2023

By Tom Bradley

Advisers are trained to look for inefficiencies, but miss the most important one of all: investor behaviour

A lightly edited version of a speech that Tom Bradley gave at a Portfolio Management Association of Canada dinner for the 2023 PMAC Awards for Excellence in Investment Journalism on June 21.

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