by Scott Ronalds

You’re 55-ish years old. You’re not a Steadyhand client. You’ve got an RSP account with a broker. You hold quite a few different funds in it, but aren‘t really sure what they invest in. You think your returns have been OK, although you’re starting to question it. You’re not sure what you pay in fees (and you’re a little embarrassed about it) because you’ve never had to pay anything out of pocket. And your statement ... well forget it, it’s way too confusing to read. Your broker, though, tells you everything’s good. You fear it might not be.

Take us up on a free portfolio review. No strings attached.

You’ve also got a TFSA with your bank. It’s sitting in cash. You know you should probably invest the money more productively, but aren’t exactly certain about what you can hold in the account and how much room you have in it. Can you even hold a stock fund in a TFSA?

Let’s chat about TFSAs. They’re amazing accounts.

You’re starting to think more about retirement. It’s a bit daunting. You’re not sure what the magic number is or whether your portfolio is on track to provide you with a paycheck when you take the golden watch. The whole thought of it raises a lot of questions and causes some sleepless nights.

We’ll lend an ear. And discuss some strategies you might want to consider.

You’re worried about our neighbours to the south and the rising protectionist rhetoric. And you keep reading headlines about stocks being expensive. The world looks more uncertain and you’re not sure if you should be making any changes to your portfolio. You read the latest economic report from your broker but feel like you need a PhD to understand it.

You’re not alone. Plenty of Canadians feel the same way (we know because we’ve spoken with many of them). But it’s time to move on from the status quo.

We’d love to talk.