
by Scott Ronalds

At Steadyhand, investing alongside our clients—or eating our own cooking—is one of our key business tenets. We believe there’s no better way to prove a commitment to our investment philosophy and business approach, and ultimately our clients, than to put our money where our mouth is.

We take it a step further by publishing every year the firm’s co-investment levels, which show how much of our personal assets we have invested in our funds. There are few firms in the business that show this level of transparency.

The latest figures are in and we can report that every employee continues to have a significant portion of their financial assets invested alongside our clients. On average, the team has 85% of our financial assets invested in the Steadyhand funds (as of June 30th). In dollar terms, our employees and families have $43.3 million invested in our funds.

These numbers are worth highlighting because they mean our interests are well aligned—we’re experiencing the same fund performance, client reporting, and fees that you are. Yes, we receive no “insider perks” when it comes to costs, we pay the same fees you pay, and enjoy the same discount program.

Note: For a more thorough overview of co-investment and why it’s important, see our piece Showing You the Money.

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