by Tom Bradley

I’m delighted to announce that Neil Jensen is now our Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Neil is my co-founder and has been our Chief Operating Officer since inception.

This appointment is an acknowledgement of Neil’s leadership and the huge role he plays in our firm. It’s not a change to how we’re managed. Neil has been running all aspects of the firm for a few years now, the exception being investment management, which is Salman and my purview.

Before we started working together in 2006, Neil consulted extensively with my previous firm. He so impressed me that my wife remembers me saying that one day I’d like to work with Neil. As it turns out, my wish was granted and my high expectations were only exceeded. His entrepreneurial savvy, management skills and unwavering focus are evident in everything we do. We like to kid Neil about being a tech geek (he previously co-founded a technology consulting firm and starts every day reading tech blogs), but his skills range far beyond that.

In formalizing this division of labour, I become Chair and Chief Investment Officer (CIO). I will continue to focus on investing and communication, along with working with clients. And if you’re wondering, my commitment and excitement for Steadyhand and our clients hasn’t budged an inch.