by Tom Bradley

When I’m looking around at restaurants, on the subway or at a concert, I’m always thinking, 90% of these people would be better off if they had their money with Steadyhand.

I know what you’re thinking. Whoa, this guy is so biased he’s lost all perspective. How can he possibly say that?

Well, I am biased, but my reasons for picking 90% are probably not the ones you expect. It’s not because our funds are well designed and have performed well over the long term. Nor is it because we have great managers or charge fair fees.

No, I have this 90% view because a vast majority of our clients have a plan and stick to it (this is the most important thing we can help our clients do). They have at least a notion of what their asset mix should be, and what it actually is. They’re fully invested in long-term assets, not standing on the sidelines trying to time the market. We don’t see them buying high and selling low. And at RRSP season, they don’t chase the fund that did best last year. Rather, they use their contributions to rebalance their portfolios.

As a result, our clients achieve something that the clients of few other firms can claim. They do as well as our funds. In other words, there’s no slippage between what our fund managers think is best and what our clients do.

Call me delusional, but I think 90% of Canadians would be better off investing with Steadyhand. Poll 100 people on the bus or at a Canucks game. I’d like someone to prove me wrong.