By Scott Ronalds

A little Saturday humour to perk you up in these troubling times.

The market seems to keep dropping and dropping
Because those damn Yankees couldn’t stop shopping

Through their homes they’ve borrowed a ton of dough
Now they’ve got no equity and little else to show

Credit is scarce, and Wall Street is in trouble
Because nothing was done about the housing bubble

Lenders gave mortgages to folks with no jobs, and little money
Then packaged them up with Triple-A ratings...real funny

Wallets are empty, and the mood is bitter
Cause portfolios have taken a hit, and the economy’s in the shitter

Hedge fund players are being forced to sell due to excess leverage
It seems risk controls were drawn on cocktail napkins over a stiff beverage

Ford, GM and Chrysler are standing on the brink, watching their stock drop
Yet they still can’t make a car that doesn’t spend half its life in the shop

Mutual fund investors are heading for the exits, in a mad dash
At exactly the wrong time to move into cash

Sprott is losing millions, and IPOs have slowed to a crawl
And with PH&N paying full trailers, maybe hell has frozen over after all

But Buffett’s been buying and valuations have rarely been cheaper
Both hopeful signs that this nosedive can’t go much deeper!